Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Updated list of links

I hope that everyone is enjoying Spring Break!  I just wanted to let you know that a list of links has been added to the website.  The links include ideas for speech topics and tips for writing speeches.  I hope you find this is helpful!

Friday, March 11, 2011

If I were Principal of Terry Fox Elementary School...

Here is a highlight from the students writing this week:

I would make a pizza day and a sleepover day.
by Justin

I would let all the kids read with their blankets in the gym
by Melody

I would make sure every kid is safe.
by Joey

I would do my work and visit classes.
by Dariyah

I would give students an extra recess everyday.  I would make them do less Math and Social Studies.
by Nate

I would give games for working hard and I would give free Fox Awards!
by Isaac

I would have 3 hour recess and 3 hour lunches and we would get an new playground and an ice cream truck on the field.  We would get a swimming pool as big as the playground.
by Malachi

I would let everyone go home for two months.  I would let anyone go outside just because they were bored.
by Cassandra

I would make sure everyone would stay in their seat.  I would also make sure everyone played safe.
by Jalen

I would give people a piece of candy when their tooth fell out.  I would throw confetti when it was a holiday assembly.
by Tessa

I would fill the gym with every sport thing and the students could play with whatever they want.  I would put a trampoline in the bathroom and mini-fridges in every classroom.
by Mikeal

I would be a nice principal and make the kids laugh.  I would let the students play games and have fun.
by Desi

I would let the go home early and I would have more field trips.
by Hailey

I would stretch our lunch recess to 1 hour long.  I would make a field trip to the water slides for the whole school once a year.  I would put the intermediates on coat duty which is to make sure every student has a coat or a sweater on at recess. I would promote Mrs. Loland to assistant principal and I would give her an office.
by Hannah

I would hire garbage pickers and let the kids go on lots of cool field trips.  The school would have a national food day and we would go on bike rides.
by Keenen

I would give less homework and I would buy the biggest school yet.  I would give out free candy.
by Noah

I would put computers in all of the classes.
by Chase

Thanks Grade 3 and 4 for your ideas.  I'm sure Mr. Village will consider them all great suggestions and take them under advisement.  Oh and Hannah...YOU ARE HIRED!!!! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Favourite Recess Activities

The students were asked, by Mr. Village, to answer the question "What's your favourite thing to do at Recess?"  Here were the responses:

My favourite thing to do at recess is soccer because it's fun.  It is fun stealing the ball from someone or blocking them when in the goal.
by Nate

My favourite thing to do at recess is play with my sister and with Desi, Mikala and Kira.
by Tessa

I like walking around with my friends talking.
by Desi

I like taking a walk on the field and the playground because it gives me exercise.
by Joey

I like soccer because there is a lot of running.
by Jalen

My favourite thing to do is play basketball because then I get fit for sports day.
by Cassandra

My favourite thing to do at recess is mediators because I like to help solve problems and make the world a better place.
by Hannah

Soccer is my favourite sport because it is so fun and athletic and its what I've been doing at recess since grade 1 and I'm going to keep doing it.
by Mikeal

My favourite thing to do at recess is to play soccer because I like running and kicking things.
by Keenen

My favourite thing is soccer because it is fun to kick the ball.
by Chase

I like to play soccer because it's good exercise.
by Malachi

I like play on the swings because when I run around then go on the swings with the wind it cools me down.
by Lexi

I like playing soccer because I can have a team and I can score goals.
by Isaac

I like to play soccer.
by Melody

My favourite thing is the playground.
by Justin

I like to play soccer because it gives you good exercise and you get to kick stuff.
by Noah

I like the swings the most because you get to go high in the air and feel the cool breeze.
by Dariyah