Friday, March 11, 2011

If I were Principal of Terry Fox Elementary School...

Here is a highlight from the students writing this week:

I would make a pizza day and a sleepover day.
by Justin

I would let all the kids read with their blankets in the gym
by Melody

I would make sure every kid is safe.
by Joey

I would do my work and visit classes.
by Dariyah

I would give students an extra recess everyday.  I would make them do less Math and Social Studies.
by Nate

I would give games for working hard and I would give free Fox Awards!
by Isaac

I would have 3 hour recess and 3 hour lunches and we would get an new playground and an ice cream truck on the field.  We would get a swimming pool as big as the playground.
by Malachi

I would let everyone go home for two months.  I would let anyone go outside just because they were bored.
by Cassandra

I would make sure everyone would stay in their seat.  I would also make sure everyone played safe.
by Jalen

I would give people a piece of candy when their tooth fell out.  I would throw confetti when it was a holiday assembly.
by Tessa

I would fill the gym with every sport thing and the students could play with whatever they want.  I would put a trampoline in the bathroom and mini-fridges in every classroom.
by Mikeal

I would be a nice principal and make the kids laugh.  I would let the students play games and have fun.
by Desi

I would let the go home early and I would have more field trips.
by Hailey

I would stretch our lunch recess to 1 hour long.  I would make a field trip to the water slides for the whole school once a year.  I would put the intermediates on coat duty which is to make sure every student has a coat or a sweater on at recess. I would promote Mrs. Loland to assistant principal and I would give her an office.
by Hannah

I would hire garbage pickers and let the kids go on lots of cool field trips.  The school would have a national food day and we would go on bike rides.
by Keenen

I would give less homework and I would buy the biggest school yet.  I would give out free candy.
by Noah

I would put computers in all of the classes.
by Chase

Thanks Grade 3 and 4 for your ideas.  I'm sure Mr. Village will consider them all great suggestions and take them under advisement.  Oh and Hannah...YOU ARE HIRED!!!! :)


  1. WoW hannah i would love if you were principal oh wait she said you are HIRED YAAAYYYY

  2. I'd love it if you were principal Chase.
